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Our objectives go beyond keeping one’s teeth and having a nice smile. We also help our patients obtain optimal periodontal health to prevent inflammation from harming their bodies.

Keeping Your Teeth

Our care goes beyond the two main causes of tooth loss - cavities and gum disease. We recognize that there is a third cause of tooth loss - teeth clenching and grinding. Wear on teeth is not a normal part of the aging process.  It is actually a pathology. It causes tooth loss by cracking and breaking teeth. To prevent wear, we make comfortable and durable bite splints that protect teeth, relax jaw muscles, and reduce TMD symptoms. 

Periodontal Treatment

Our dental hygienists are highly talented, and able to utilize both manual and ultrasonic cleaning of teeth. Their touch is gentle and thorough. They are empowered to make their own appointments and appointment lengths, depending on the patient's needs.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Our cosmetic dentistry goes beyond media driven trends. A lovely smile needs a certain charm that harmonizes with facial features. We are about natural beauty that lasts.

TMD Treatment

Dr. Lockwood has advanced postgraduate training with TMD diagnosis and treatment, and he enjoys helping people with TMD problems.

Laboratory Technicians

We have been fortunate to have worked with, and continue to work with, highly talented dental technicians. The contribution these artists make to our treatment outcomes cannot be overstated. They are an invaluable part of our team.


We have developed long-term relationships with experienced area specialists, including oral surgeons, endodontists, and orthodontists. Shared expectations and responsibilities between Dr. Lockwood and specialists are well-defined and patient-centered. We make referrals as seamless as possible for our patients.

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